Author Archives: SEH

Scott Brown votes Democrat on financial reform

Having failed to become the swing vote to defeat health care reform, Scott Brown cast the swing vote to enable the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill to pass. The only other Republicans to vote for the bill were Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine.  (Maybe it’s the long winters.)  It’s yet to be seen whether Senator Brown will become a RINO*.

The financial reform bill expands federal power almost as much or perhaps even more than the health care bill.  As noted by Nobel laureate economist Gary Becker, the bill does not address the underlying causes of the financial crisis. It will impede economic growth, and it won’t prevent future financial crises.


*RINO:  Republican in name only

Banana Republic

BP should bear full responsibility for the Gulf oil spill according to the rule of law. It is entitled to due process. The politics surrounding the $20 billion dollar fund and the latest Congressional show trial are an embarrassment.

If the Obama administration and Congressional Democrats had not blown hundreds of billions of dollars in the 2009 “stimulus” bill, perhaps we could have provided the Gulf regions with several times $20 billion in immediate and special disaster relief (with recourse against BP according to the rule of law).

Holder should go

Attorney General Holder’s testimony before Congress on the Arizona immigration law was an embarrassment. It’s incomprehensible that an Attorney General would condemn a law without having read the very short text or at least having been thoroughly briefed on its content. We can do better than this.